Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hello readers. 

Well it looks to be another day in the neighborhood. I had to buy yet another keyboard since my sleek n' slim one decided that it just wanted to completely not work. I guess that's what I get for pay twenty dollars for it. 

I got another keyboard, naturally. This one is the same price, but it's one of those old school, makes a lot of noise for nothing ones. 

I know that it types better than the other one, judging by how fast I'm typing and I don't have to press backspace as much as I had to with the other one. 

Sure it might make more noise than the other one, but I am happy to report that I would rather have a noisy keyboard, then a half-functioning, rage face one. 

...Needless to say, I might in the near future take that last statement back. But, as it stands right now, that's exactly how I feel. 


  1. Not so loud it wakes up S, is it?

  2. S can sleep through thunderstorms and trains. A little mindless typing, even beside him won't wake him.
    He is soothed by loud noises.
