Friday, September 23, 2011

April 29, 2011

TGIF. Or, I should be saying 'TFIFFF' (Thank Fuck it's Finally Fucking Friday). I wish I could sleep in on Sunday, but there is just so much to do that I'm afraid I won't be able to. Somedays I wish I could just sleep in, one day a week, other than Sunday. Because when I get my 3-day weekend every two weeks or so, I spend all my time sleeping in anyway, because I'm just way too exhausted to be able to do anything else but sleep. I get my paycheck today, because it is Friday. I had mistaken Wednesday for Thursday, and then Thursday for Friday, but then Thursday turned to Friday which is today, and the same day I get my paycheck. If you're still with me, then you know what I said. If you're not, who really gives a fuck. Point is, it's friday and it's payday, and that's all that really matters to me. I really, really wanted to be able to have direct diposit, and I swear I grabbed a paper for it, but I guess not. Silly me. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to suffer until tomorrow to have any real food, and then suffer another day without Vinegar for my goddamn hair. I have to revitalize it somehow. I also need a haircut really, really bad.
With all my swearing you would think I would be in a very terrible mood. Truth is, I am in a very terrible mood. I guess it's one of those 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed' things. Although I woke up on the same side of the bed that I do every morning, and every morning I wake up wishing I didn't have to get up. It's frustrating, stressful and overwhelming for my overall state of being. So I guess that leaves me with potential compliance in swearing. Stellar.
I am freezing cold in an apartment that keeps playing the same DVD intro over and over again because I haven't bothered to turn the damn thing off. I need to have the lights off and the TV playing something to be able to sleep. Otherwise, I sleep so lightly that mild rain would wake me up. Or maybe the wind moving a leaf across the porch would wake me up. Sometimes I wish if I got that from my mother.
Strange, thinking of that made me think of toilet paper and paper towel, which I need to buy to clean the countertops and bathroom tub and sink, and toilet (and that's when the toilet paper came in), which reminds me, the toilet is actually broken and the sooner he comes to fix it, the better, because I am so tired of having a cold bathroom because I have to use the door wedge to wedge it inside the toilet to keep the thing that looks like a toilet plunger afloat. I also have to buy a swiffer wet and dry to do my floors. Because it seems like the only way I am going to be able to keep this floor clean and everything is if I swiffer it. And I might have to buy a laundry basket if I am to be keeping a dog in here. And everything has to be spic and span. To be perfectly honest, I don't even want a dog. I just thought I would tell Alex that if there is no one else that would take the dog that I would have no problems in taking care of it for a while. The only reason I even said that was because if she doesn't find a place for it in three weeks time, her mom is going to put it down and I just can't see that happening. It's not fair to her or the dog or anyone else that might be attached to the dog. But I mean, my place is already small as it is, and it's not like I have anything fenced in or anything, so it's not like I can just leave the dog outside or something. So I really hope the 'ad' that she made and I posted in the lunch room gets some hits or something because it wouldn't be all that feasible to keep a dog in here. But I could keep a cat. Oh, there's an idea.
I guess the reason why I'm thinking I could keep a cat more than a dog is because, given the small area, it would be more reasonable to keep a cat around. They would have plenty of space to roam around and it will be fine. Having a black lab named Angel, who also happens to be male, in my tiny little bachelor apartment is going to be a little bit of a challenge. Especially since I lied to Alex and told her that I'm going to be reducing my hours, which I have no intentions on doing, whatsoever. I need the money, and the more money I make and the more sales I make, the more times I make bonus and the more I can cash in. Oh, there's an even better idea.
So, to anyone who's listening, I don't want Alex's dog. Please don't give me Alex's dog. I don't even want a cat. I just want more money so I can buy myself some more fancy things. Oh, and food, I like to buy myself that too.

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